About stacker crane at Warsaw University of Technology

Marcin Kozłowski and Sebastian Wilomski – representatives of Baumalog Sp z o.o. lectured on 3rd April 2017 at the Warsaw University of Technology on the topic “Stacker cranes in warehouses – construction issues”. Students of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering learned what the process of designing of machines looks like and were acquainted with example of an automated storage systems designed to store dies in steel plate stamping plant. Lecture covered several issues, among others project preparation, division into engineering blocks, relevant IT applications, standardisation and material strength. Eventually, lecturing engineers presented the result of their work – operational stacker crane and its separate elements.

It was the next lecture from the series for the students of the Warsaw University of Technology that Baumalog employees gave in a framework of mutual co-operation. We hope that this piece of practical knowledge would inspire students to further work and would result in closer co-operation of at least some of them with our engineering bureau in the future.



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